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Springbrook Board of Directors Current Community Projects/Updates Fiscal year 2018 (October 1, 2017 – September 30, 2018)
UPDATE: 6/9/2018
This is for information purposes only!!  No personal information, names of contractors or monetary amounts will be discussed in the “current community projects/updates” page since this is a non-secure website (open to the public).  If you have specific questions please contact one of your Board of Directors for additional information.



1. Make necessary repairs to improve Fern and Sunset Lakes:  A Special Called Meeting was held to discuss repairs to Sunset and Fern lakes/levees.  By a majority of the members the vote carried to do repairs to Sunset and Fern levees as soon as feasible.  Plan to do repairs if feasible, Summer of 2018
2.Dive Sunset Lake:  Plan to dive Sunset Lake to take a look at drain grate and pipe to ensure there are not leaks.  Plan to dive, Summer 2018.
3. Lake Committee Fish Biologists will be doing follow up in Springbrook Lake to do follow up Check on fish Species:  The Lake Committee Fish Biologists will drag a net Springbrook Lake later this summer to determine how well the spawn and fish recruitment went to determine further action is necessary.
4. Planting of Cypress Trees:  Their will be “free” cypress trees to plant around the lakes this coming Spring (2018).  Anyone interested please contact the Board of Directors to get your free trees.
5. Fourth of July Cookout:  Fourth of July Cookout planned for Property Owners.
1. Crappie Fishing (keep) Limit:  The Board of Directors approved the Crappie (keep) Limit of 5/Person/Day as recommended by the Lake Committee.  Signs have been posted around the Lakes and limit is established until further notice for all property owners of Springbrook until which time the species have proliferated. To clarify - You can catch as many as you want but you must release all except for 5/Person/Day.
2. The Lake Committee (Fish Biologist) Shocked Springbrook Lake:  The Lake Committee Fish Biologist shocked Springbrook Lake to check fish species and aging to determine further action.
3. Sand on the Beach:  Four (4) Loads of sand have been put on the Beach at Springbrook Lake.
4. French Drain:  French Drain was put in at the beach at Springbrook Lake to prevent erosion and washing of sand.
5. White Crappie put into Springbrook Lake:  Numerous residents caught a lot of white crappie and put them into Springbrook Lake to help proliferate recruitment/spawning of the depleted species in that lake.
6. Youth Fishing Rodeo and Cookout:  Youth Fishing Rodeo was completed and was a great success
© 2017 Springbrook Lake Estates POA, Inc.

Site designed and maintained by Cory Wingo under authority of the Board of Springbrook Lake Estates.  Report any site issues to 

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